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Marnie Butler

B.Mgt, B.Ed Kindergarten Teacher
- Bachelor of Management, University of Lethbridge, 2003
- Bachelor of Education, University of Lethbridge, 2003
- Business Administration Diploma, Medicine Hat College, 1996
- Office Technology Certificate (Honours, Phi Theta Kappa), Medicine Hat College, 1995
- Teacher, Cardston Elementary School, 2017-Present
- Secretary, Dr. Tim Butler Chiropractor, 2011-2017
- Teacher, Cardston Junior High School, 2008
- Customer Service Representative, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Supply Centre & Bookstore, 2003-2007
- Legal Assistant, Stringham Denecky Lawyers, 2001-2003
- Legal Assistant, Andreachuk Harvie MacLennan Maxwell Lawyers, 1997-2000