Winter Clothing Drive
Posted on October 18 2019Next week the grade 5 class is hosting a Winter Clothing Exchange. Send or bring your winter clothing that is no longer needed at home and donate it to the school. Then on Friday afternoon, join us…
Next week the grade 5 class is hosting a Winter Clothing Exchange. Send or bring your winter clothing that is no longer needed at home and donate it to the school. Then on Friday afternoon, join us…
Cardston Elementary is excited to host the Polling Station this Monday, October 21 for Elections Canada. We encourage all parents to come to CES to cast their vote in the Federal Election and model…
There is a bin for sock donations in the CES office.
Students dressed in orange shirts to commemorate "Orange Shirt Day" Orange Shirt Day is an annual Canada-wide event to commemorate the history and legacy of residential schools. It grew out of a…
We are now taking orders for our new Cougar Gear for students or parents (if you would like). Please click on the link below if you are interested in ordering. The items include: T-shirt -$10.00 Hoodie-…
Jacob Faithful, a grammy nominated drummer from the drum group "Young Spirits" performed for students on Wednesday, September 25th. Some of the CES students also performed at the assembly.
There will be not be school on Friday, September 27th. It is a Teacher PD Day
Back To School Night Thursday, September 26th 6:30 p.m. CES Gym
Tuesday, September 24th Tuesday/Thursday Preschool a.m. & p.m. classes Tuesday/Thursday All Day Kindergarten Mrs. Romeril's a.m. & p.m. class, Mrs. Butler's a.m. class and Mrs. Shaw's p.m. class Grade…
Important Bell Schedule Change: In order to best meet the busing needs of all schools, Cardston Elementary will adjust our timetable by 5 minutes beginning Monday, September 16. School will begin…
Hi Parents, My name is Hali Leishman and I am the new Preschool teacher for CES. I have met some of you and I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and working with your kiddos! I just wanted…
The Summer is coming to a close and school is just around the corner. Please read the newsletter to bring you up to date on whats happening at CES. Click here for September Newsletter
Tuesday, September 3, 2019: First Day of Classes grades 1-5 10:30 a.m. Back to School Assembly for all students Gr. 1 – 5, all parents welcome 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Kindergarten orientation for…
Grade 5 students were recognized this morning at their graduation from Elementary School. Parents volunteered to put on a luncheon and ceremony to honor the graduating students before they move on to…
Tomorrow is Aboriginal Awareness Day. We will be having a special assembly to commemorate, tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. in the CES Gym. Our CES grade 5 FNMI students will be performing their dancing…
This is a busy time of year for students and teachers as they wrap up the school year. Students have participated in field trips, swimming, air bands, BBQ's.
Students in Grade 1 drove their cars around the school, showing them off to the students in other grades. They ended their parade in the gym where they enjoyed a movie at the "drive-in" theatre.
Monday, June 3: Rainbow Day: Each class will dress in a particular color and we will take a school rainbow picture out on the field. Kindergarten-purple Grade 1- Blue Grade 2- Green Grade 3- Yellow…
We respectfully acknowledge that this school is on the traditional territory of the Blackfoot Confederacy in Southern Alberta.
Click here to fill out form and submit for an injury claim that occurred at school.