Parent Volunteers

We appreciate all parent volunteers who are willing to help out at the school. There are a couple of things that are required of volunteers.
1. Criminal Record Check- This can be obtained from the local RCMP detachment. You will need to take a letter with you from the principal stating you are volunteering at the school. This letter is attached to this here for letter
2. Intervention Record Check- This can one obtained from Alberta Child and Family Services, 200 4th Ave. South, Lethbridge, AB. This is in the Melcor Centre which is formerly the Lethbridge Centre Mall.
If you would like to come into the school by Friday, February 14th we have the Intervention Record Check application available for you to fill out and we will return it to Lethbridge office. When the record check is available, you will have to pick up the documentation in person at the Alberta Child and Family Services office.
Please bring a picture ID when you come to the school to fill out the form so we can copy and attach to the application.