CES Clubs

It's time for Cardston Elementary to start hosting clubs again. Clubs are a great chance for kids to connect socially, develop a talent, build a skill or explore a passion. Clubs are fun!! An email will be sent home each evening this week, introducing the clubs that are offered the next day. Be sure to check your emails each evening so you know what clubs there are. Students can choose a club they are interested in.
1. Some clubs have a limit on the number of participants.
2. If students are enrolled in multiple clubs, they may be asked to choose which one they prefer depending on the demand for participation. Participation is based on first come, first serve basis.
4. Students may drop out of a club after the first week only.
3. Once students sign up they are committed to attend the duration of the session.
To sign up your child, email stacy.jacobs@westwind.ab.ca , include the First and Last Name of your child, Grade Level of your child and the Club your child would like to join.
Here are the clubs that start today:
Yoga Club: Available for all ages, meets once a week during morning recess on Tuesdays. Come learn one of the most effective mindfulness activities with instructor Deanna Leavitt.
Sign Language Club: Available for grade 2-5. Meets twice a week during afternoon recess, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. Come learn a new language- American Sign Language with instructor Jodi Judd.
Outdoor Survival Club: Available for Grade 3-5. Meets twice a week for 4 weeks after school from 3-3:50 pm. We will run 3 sessions: January 14- Feb 6, Feb 11 - March 5, March 9 - April 2. Session 1 starts tomorrow, Tuesday. Matt Webster will run the club. Please indicate how your child will get home after the session (walk or pick-up) Please pick-up your child promptly.
Help out with clubs: We are looking for parents to support with craft club, drawing club, Pokemon club, or any other club you might be interested in hosting. Please email stacy.jacobs@westwind.ab.ca if you can help.
Contact the school if you have any questions. We realize not every student is interested in clubs. This is an optional program.