Back to School Schedule

Rationale: The following plan allows for students to return to school in a safe and supported
atmosphere as they learn new routines and expectations for a COVID learning environment.
We are requesting a softer start to our year so that parents and students can feel assured that
Cardston Elementary School is prioritizing student health and safety while attending to the
impact of the trauma of COVID.
Kindergarten thru Grade 5 Plan
Monday, August 31 AM -Kindergarten Orientation
Students at a young age rely on their parents to provide safety and
security;; parents are best equipped to provide that when they, themselves
feel safe and secure. Therefore, before the building is open to other
students, kindergarten children and their parents will be invited to come
together to school to visit their classroom. COVID protocols will be in
place including hand sanitizing and masking for all adults visitors.
Parents will follow the guidelines for visitors outlined in our return to
school plan.
Monday, August 31 PM - New Student Orientation
All students new to our Cardston Elementary School community will be
contacted the week prior and invited to make an appointment to visit the
school and meet teachers with their children as per the protocols
described above for kindergarten orientation.
Tuesday, September 1- K-2 Back to School
Kindergarten thru Grade 2 students will return to school. Limiting
attendance to these younger grades allows us to use additional staff
support as we develop routines, cohorts and zones.
Wednesday,September 2- Grades 3-5 Back to School
Grade 3-5 students will return to school. Limiting attendance to these
younger grades allows us to use additional staff support as we develop
routines, cohorts and zones.
Thursday, September 3- All Students Regular Classes Begin
Preschool Plan
August 31- Screening Appointments
Each parent†will be contacted to arrange a screening appointment for
their child,
September 1-3 Preschool Screenings
Each student accompanied by one adult will attend the preschool for a
developmental screening to assist with determining programming needs.
Only one adult per child will be permitted into the building.After the
screening is complete, students will have an opportunity to meet
preschool staff, explore the preschool room and prepare for their first day
of preschool. Parents will have an opportunity to ask questions and
address concerns.
September 9/10 Regular Preschool Begins
Just a reminder that beginning September9, parents will not be permitted
into the preschool building. Drop off/pick up will be outside as outlined in
the CES Return to School Plan.