CES Return to School Plan

Welcome Back to Cardston Elementary School!
We are so excited to have your kids back at school! We know that there are new routines and expectations creating a different look and feel to the school. However, once inside the building and especially within the walls of their classrooms, student learning will feel quite normal to our kids. We know that following the COVID guidelines is worth it in order to return to learning together at CES. To assist students in adjusting to these new routines and expectations, the first three days of school will consist bring students back in smaller groups. You can access that information here.
I hope this document, created in partnership with Westwind School Division, and following the provincial guidelines, will address many of your questions and concerns. The COVID pandemic is a new experience for all of us but we have learned from the past five months and we are prepared to support your students in a safe and caring environment. I am sure we will have some unforeseen challenges or frustrations as we come back to school under these guidelines but through effective communication, we can resolve those and move forward to support your students’ learning.
We are doing all we can to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other illnesses by limiting the contact between students through the creation of grade-level cohorts. Contact between cohorts as well as shared spaces such as playgrounds, bathrooms, hallways, classrooms and the gym has been limited as much as possible to create a safe space for our kids to learn. One way to think about it is to consider our school as a bubble that surrounds each cohort to limit outside contact as much as possible.
As parents, there are a number of routines you can develop at home to help us in our efforts to keep our kids healthy.
- Sanitizing before and after school routines
- Adding a filled, sanitized water bottle to your lunch plans each day
- Using the health screening daily
- Prompt pick up and drop off of students
We have always had fantastic parent support at CES and hope that you will continue to feel our support as well.
If you have any questions or concerns related to back to school, please contact me. Even if you just want to talk through your decision about back to school, make me aware of your concern or share your child’s concerns with me, I would be glad to support. You may contact me through email and I will gladly set a time for us to visit with in person or on the phone.
The week before school starts you will receive a Back to School package highlighting pick up/drop off points, cohort assigned doors, the school calendar and handbook, etc.
We look forward to spending the year with you and can’t wait to see your kids!
Stacy Jacobs, Principal
(403) 653-4955 school
(403) 795-3659 cell
Important Information