CES to Perform at High School BB game

We have had a great start back to school. Fortunately things are warming up and we are able to spend more recess time outside. Please be sure your child has snow clothes and snow boots for recess time. All students benefit from fresh air and unstructured play time!
We also have a few exciting events coming up this week:
We have been focused on kindness for the past month and celebrated a great literacy day together through lots of books about kindness. Now it’s time to celebrate kindness with the rest of the schools in Westwind. Tomorrow, Wednesday, is pink shirt day! Join us in celebrating kindness by wearing a pink shirt!
We also have a very exciting opportunity this weekend! The high school has invited us to perform with Levi Stanford at the last basketball home game of the season! This Saturday night at 7:00 pm all Cardston Elementary Students are invited to perform “This is my Life” at the half time of the final varsity boys basketball game. All students will be issued a free pass for the games that evening that will be sent home on Friday. All four basketball teams play Saturday beginning at 1:00 pm with JV Girls so you can enjoy a whole afternoon of basketball or just come to join us for our dance. We will gather during the second quarter of the Varsity boys game in the high school gathering area to prepare for our performance. We hope many students will come and join us for the dance! It looks so incredible when all 500 students are dancing together and sharing a positive message! We ask students to show support for the Cardston Cougars and wear blue and white to the game that night. The high school is also selling t shirts that students may choose to purchase at the high school office by Tuesday. Here is a link to their facebook page for those who are interested. https://www.facebook.com/
In preparation for this exciting chance to perform, we are having a school blue and white day on Friday. We will start our morning by practicing our dance together in the gym at 8:30, just after announcements. So wear blue and white on Friday and show your school spirit!