Letter from Mrs. Jacobs regarding COVID-19

March 14, 2020
I am sure many of you are following the news surrounding the impact of COVID-19 on our community and health. I want to share the most recent information from our Alberta government as it relates to schools and provide you with the ability to access more information. You may find more details about the abbreviated information below at: https://www.alberta.ca/assets/documents/covid19-alberta-guidance-for-schools-and-child-care-programs.pdf. Please recognize that this situation is dynamic and changing rapidly. We will continue to share updated information as we receive it from the Alberta government. To stay up to date, please refer to our website or the Westwind School Division website.
In accordance with the March 13 guidelines, the following measure will be followed beginning Monday, March 16 for all students and staff at Cardston Elementary School:
- Zero Tolerance for respiratory illness symptoms – Children showing signs of respiratory symptoms, we will be sent home from school. Signs may include a fever, fatigue, cough or mild cold symptoms.
- Large Gatherings - We have cancelled all assemblies at this time. Festival and Choral Fest are cancelled.
- Hand Washing - Students will wash hands according the the guideline in this document which include upon arrival to school, before eating, after breaks, after bathroom use, etc. Please be sure your child washes their hands before leaving home each day and upon return.
- Lunches - Please educate and remind your children that food sharing should not happen.
- Visitors to the building – As you enter our building, please use the hand sanitizing stations located just inside the doors as well as inside the office door.
- Student Pick-up/Drop-off - Please arrange a meeting spot for your kids and if you can, avoid coming in the building. We understand that there are young children who you need to meet in the gathering area.
- Student Absences - Please inform us if you are keeping your child home by choice or due to illness.
As a school, we are following careful guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting as well as supporting the above
practices. We are also working to develop resources for those parents choosing or needing to self-isolate at this time. We will release these resources through our website as they become available. For the time being, as our lives slow down and we spend more time at home, please consider those things we know benefit children the most:
- Limit Screen Time- Limit the amount of time as well as monitor to be sure this is high quality screen time.
- Play- Encourage lots of play time including games, outdoor play, creative arts and crafts, etc.
- READ, READ, READ!! Read to your child, have your kids read to each other and to you, start a family read aloud.
Stacy Jacobs