More Important Information

August 24, 2020
Dear CES Parents,
We had our first day back to school as a staff. We tried to answer every
phone calls as they came but realize we left a few people to call back. If
you have any questions or concerns about back to school, please contact
the office and we will be sure to respond to your call before the week is over.
Tuesday, August 25 at 5:00 pm I will have a zoom session to answer questions submitted by parents
about return to school. I am happy to answer all questions submitted ahead of time.
click here to submit question. It’s a simple form that allows you to ask any question you might have related to back to school
and COVID protocols. You can access the zoom meeting thru any device using this link.
We will have support on site to help ensure you can access the zoom session. Please call the school at
(403) 653 4955 if you need support accessing the session. We will also record the session and post it to
our school You Tube channel, Website and Facebook page.
Some back to school updated information:
Monday, August 31
9:00 am Morning Kindergarten Orientation (P. Romeril AM, M. Butler)
10:30 am Afternoon/Full Day Kindergarten Orientation (P. Romeril PM, A. Shaw, K. Romeril)
Kindergarten Orientation will last about 45 minutes. Parents will accompany students to their classroom
and meet their teachers there. If you have any questions, please contact your teacher.
12:00 New Student Orientation
Mrs. Heggie and Mrs. Olsen will contact new students to schedule a time to visit the school with their
parents, tour the site and meet their teachers. These visits are by appointment only.
Tuesday, September 1
Kindergarten- Grade 2 Full day of school, regular bus routes run
8:05 am School Doors Open- All teachers will gather outside with their class to greet parents and get to
know their students.
8:15 am Teachers will support their classes in entering thru their assigned doors. Students will have a
typical first day with support learning their proper cohort space, sanitizing routines and arrival/dismissal
11:20 am Morning Kindergarten Dismissal
11:50 am Afternoon Kindergarten Begins
2:55 pm End of school day
Wednesday, September 2
Grade 3-5 Full Day of School, regular bus routes run
8:05 am School Doors Open- All teachers will gather outside with their class to greet parents and get to
know their students.
8:15 am Teachers will support their classes in entering thru their assigned doors. Students will have a
typical first day with support learning their proper cohort space, sanitizing routines and arrival/dismissal
2:55 pm End of school day
Thursday, September 3
Back to School Full Time for Everyone- Students will enter thru their assigned doors
Preschool Screenings
All preschool students will be contacted to book a time for an initial developmental screening on
September 1-3. These screenings will include a brief orientation to the preschool class for parents and
Pick up/Drop Off
Attached is a map to show which door students from each grade level will enter thru each day. If older
siblings plan to drop off/pick up younger siblings they will do so outside their siblings door. All
entry/exit points are easily accessed by sidewalks on school property. Parents driving their children to
school may use the pick up/drop off parking spaces in front of the school. ALL school buses will load in
the bus lanes. NO PARENTS may pick up or drop off students using the bus lane. For the safety of
children this is very important. Parents may meet students promptly at 2:55 pm outside the school
building. Supervision will be provided outside only until 3:10 pm.
Hot Lunch
Just a reminder that the hot lunch program is not running in September. Please be sure you send a
lunch each day with your student. Students do not have access to microwaves at this time.
Library Books
We generously provided library books during the school shut down. We are still anxiously awaiting the
return of over 800 missing library books. Please send those books back with your students the first days
of school. Lists of checked out books will be sent home with students during the first week of school.
Water Bottles
It is very important that your child bring a filled water bottle to school each day. Please be sure you
label your child’s water bottle clearly.
I look forward to receiving your feedback about our question and answer session Tuesday night. Please
don’t hesitate to email me at Your feedback is valuable and helps us
improve our communication. We are so excited to see your students back next week!
Stacy Jacobs